Team USA is the latest to announce its riders for the Motocross of Nations at Matterley on October 5-6, with Chase Sexton, Aaron Plessinger and Chance Hymas stepping up as Dangerboy Deegan said he wasn’t coming. Team GB and Spain are just two of the top teams yet to show their colours.
The line-up so far is:
Australia: Jett Lawrence, Hunter Lawrence, Kyle Webster
Holland: Jeffrey Herlings, Calvin Vlaanderen, Kay De Wolf
USA: Chase Sexton, Aaron Plessinger, Chance Hymas
New Zealand: Hamish Harwood, Brodie Connolly and Josiah Natzke (as Nathan Crawfoid is out through injury)
Belgium: Lucas Coenen, Sacha Coened, Lian Everts
France: Maxime renaux, Romain Febvre, Tom Vialle
Germany: Ken Rocze, Simon Langenfelder, Max Nagl
Latvia: Karlis Reisulis, Mairus Pumpurs, Edvards Bidzans (as Pauls Jonass is injured)
Denmark: Mads Fredsoe, Mikkel Haarup. Nicolai Skovberg
Austria: Marcel Stauffer, Michael Sandner, Michael Kratzner
Ireland: Martin Barr, Jason Meara, Cole McCullogh
Czech Republic: Petr Polak, Julius Mikula, Jakub, Teresak
Canada: Jess Pettis, Kaven Benoit, Dylan Wright
Iceland: Eiour Orri Palmarrson, Manu Freyr Petursson, Alender Adam Kuc
Portugal: Luis Outeiro, Sandro Lobo, Paulo Alberto
Lithuania: Domantas Jazdauskas, Marius Adomaitis, Erlandas Mackonis
Venezuela: Anthony Rodriguez, Daniel Bortolin, Lorzenzo Locurio
Japan: Haruki Yokoyama, Yuki Okura, Kainosuke Oshiro
Brazil: Enzo Lopes, Bernardo Tiburcio, Fabio Santos
South Africa: Camoron Durow, Camden McLellan, Tristan Purdon
Switzerland: Jeremy Seewer, Valentin Guillod, Arnaud Tonys, Kevin Brumann, Nico Greutmann (shortlist of five)