Trail riders and off-road motorcyclists are launching an appeal to stop local authorities closing legal riding routes without apparent regard for the need for the provision of this kind of recreational pursuit. The amount of these lanes are being reduced to a critically low number which can result in illegal use of unsuitable lanes. We say it is not reasonable to simply close the facilities and walk away from the responsibility to provide legitimate places to ride or drive.
There’s a petition to make it a legal requirement that any current legal unsurfaced road open to motor vehicles (including motorcycles) cannot be closed by any local authority or local council highways authority without new provision of a similar route or facility being provided. And the petition needs YOUR support.
All you have to do it click through and sign the petition HERE! If it gets 10,000 signatures – which it is almost at – then government has to respond. If it gets 100,000 then it will be considered for debate in parliament. So do it!