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Jett crashes out for US National season

Jett Lawrence is out of the rest of the US Nationals after a crash at the Lawrence family’s private training facility in Florida saw him )tear a ligament in his thumb.

He said on social media: “It’s obviously a bummer, but it’s part of our sport. It was honestly a pretty small crash, but it is what it is. I’ve been pretty lucky with injuries in my career so far, so I guess it’s just my turn. I was happy with the progress we’ve made in the championship since my setback at Hangtown, and I was excited to try and keep my championship. That obviously won’t happen now, but I have a good team around me and will focus on getting healthy again and coming back at 100 percent. I look forward to cheering on Hunter and doing whatever I can to help him the rest of the series.”

He is to have surgery this week but is set to return to represent Australia in the Nations as well as contesting the SuperMotocross finales. He is joined in Team Australia by his brother Hunter and Kyle Webster.
