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Mega gallery from the Ride Out with Red Bull!

It was a glorious day of sun-kissed action and fun on the super-prepped FatCat track yesterday in the Ride Out day with Red Bull. Stars of today like Dylan Walsh, James Dunn, Jake Millward, Ashton Dickinson, Lewis Hall, Dan Thornhill, Stu Edmonds, Jamie Law, Brad Anderson and many more shared the track with lots of retired and semi-retired greats such as Jon Barfoot, Glen Phillips, Steve Bixby and Robin Bayman. And MotoHead’s own Dave Willet who got dirtiest of all!

Jamie Law gives it some!

Plus lots of club racers, two-stroke fans and four-stroke nutters all rode the track, chilled out to the cool music from Red Bull’s DJ truck, drank in the free Red Bull and even waltzed off with a Pro Green goodie bag and a free bit of grub. Here are the best of the photos from the day, with the cool video edit to come! See if you can see yourself and if you want to use the pics on social, please do and tag us in! CLICK ON THE PIC TO SEE IT BIGGER!