There is to be a new-style VMXDN-type event at legendary GP track Foxhill this year, run by former Farleigh Vets Nations organiser Dave King and Rob ‘Doc Wobs’ Walters who has provided bikes for many visiting stars over the years. The Langrish club will manage this new event on August Bank Holiday weekend, with the racing on August 27-28.
There is no information about what will happen with the ‘current” Vets Nations at Farleigh Castle, which recently parted ways with King. But the event is already slated to go on as normal at Farleigh on September 11-12.
Doc Wobs said: “This is a brand new event and we aim to bring the classes more in line with what we think riders want now. That’s more modern bikes, that can be ridden by younger riders in some cases, and the track these riders associate most with the legendary GPs of the 1990s is Foxhill.”
Details of the classes will be announced in the New Year, but some classed are likely to include two-strokes built until 2008 so that the last-generation of Japanese bikes are included. There is likely to be Evo classes, Super Evo and even a later-than-Super Evo. Classes will have age restrictions, but it’s likely the later-bike classes will be open to younger riders. There are no plans for twin-shock classes, as the circuit will be designed especially for Evo bikes.
It’s believed the organisers are targeting some of the big names of the sport from recent years, including Ryan Villopoto, Zach Osborne, Josh Hill and VMXDN stalwart Mike Brown, as well as retired GP stars Tony Cairoli and Kevin Strijbos and current British racers such as Tommy Searle, Jake Nicholls and Mel Pocock.
“We want the event to be a major throwback to those 1990s GPs with a great atmosphere, a fun fair, beer tent and of course some great bikes and racing,” said Wobs.