The AMCA championship round at Brookethorpe this weekend has been cancelled following a lockdown by local Gloucestershire police. An official statement from AMCA Events reads:
“Unfortunately, due to communication from the Harm Reduction and Operations from Gloucestershire Police, both events running at Cheltenham this weekend will be CANCELLED.
“According to Gloucestershire Police going ahead with running the events will be deemed as unlawful and the organisers and the riders could receive fines if they attend.
“To be able to run in Gloucestershire we need to be registered with an organisation called DCMS – we were only made aware of this today. Unfortunately, we have been unable to make gain approval today and therefore, to protect the AMCA and our riders, the decision has been made to cancel the events. A further statement will be issued, detailing the possibility of rescheduling the events.”
Photo: Mike Wood