Britain’s bikesport federation, the ACU, is targetting its members and asking them to buy a new 2021 competition licence now as it is holding fees at the 2020 levels of £52 for adults. A plan to charge an additional fee for second licences has been dropped for 2021, but it looks like it may happen in future. An official statement says:.
At the recent Centre Chairmen / Secretaries meeting held on Saturday 3rd October, it was reported to those who attended that the Board of Directors were considering putting a fee on a secondary licence. Currently a competitor pays £52 for a Road Race/Motocross/Enduro/Grass Track licence and £12 for a Trials Registration and should anyone wish to take a second or have multiple licences, those additional licences have always been issued free of charge.
However, bearing in mind the Covid-19 situation we find ourselves in the current status quo will remain. So, certainly for 2021, anyone wishing to take a secondary licence in addition to the primary licence they are applying for can do so and the secondary licence will remain free of charge.
This will be reviewed though. Since Adam was a lad, the ACU has never placed a fee on any secondary or multiple licences that have been issued over and above the licence for which a competitor has applied for. Depending how Covid-19 pans out in 2021, a charge may be applied for a secondary or multiple licences in 2022 or when the Board of Directors feel the time is right to do so.
For the time being though and for clarity, the existing arrangements remain the same for 2021 and any secondary or multiple licences being applied for will be issued at no extra cost to the current licence fee of £52.00.
Roy Humphrey, the ACU Chairman said, “Like any other company or business in the country, the ACU are facing a significant deficit in its finances for this year, and this is something that is causing a big concern for the Board of Directors. The Board are addressing this issue in many ways, and one thought was to place a fee on any additional licences being applied for by a competitor over and above the primary licence for which they were applying. This will come in the future, it has to, but ‘that future’ will be dependent on the coronavirus and the continuing effect the pandemic has on the country. We are making significant reductions in a number of areas to try and reduce our financial liabilities but we also want to be fair to the licence holders, but the time will come when anyone wanting to apply for more than one licence will have to pay for those additional licences. That time is not just yet, but equally it’s not far off”.